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   Meet Redondo Beach Singles - Redondo Beach Dating Personals

Finding local Redondo Beach people is easier than ever because there are Internet dating sites with millions of members. (Why even bother with small Redondo Beach dating sites or Redondo Beach personals, when they can't compete with the millions of quality people available on the Internet.)

To help you find Redondo Beach people, we list data about the best dating web sites and provide singles data for Redondo Beach, CA, the state of California, and the whole United States. Use the data to learn more about your community, and join the online dating service sites to date Redondo Beach singles online.

With lots of Redondo Beach dating options, meeting Redondo Beach, California singles is likely easier than you think. Redondo Beach has a population of 63,261, with 27,492 available singles. Breaking down this number, we find that there are 13,557 single men in Redondo Beach and 13,935 single women in Redondo Beach.

eHarmony Singles Match.com Singles Lavalife Chemistry.com
Redondo Beach Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)27,49213,55713,935
Population (15 and older)53,26626,54926,717
Population (Total)63,26131,80031,461

Want to meet Redondo Beach, California singles? Interested in Redondo Beach dating? Each of these dating personals services has millions of eligible singles. Joining these popular dating services may be the most convenient and effective way to meet local singles in the Redondo Beach, CA area:

Redondo Beach, California Population by Age

Ages 15-17*1,781898883
Ages 18-201,315607708
Ages 21-242,3191,1801,139
Ages 25-296,1123,0533,059
Ages 30-3914,8727,4487,424
Ages 40-4912,1576,2565,901
Ages 50-597,5393,9823,557
Ages 60-693,4411,6551,786
Ages 70-843,2261,2961,930
Ages 85+504174330

Redondo Beach, CA Racial Demographics

Black or African American1,496
American Indian and Alaska Native266
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander293
Single Other Race2,741
Mixed Race3,158

Compare Redondo Beach, CA singles statistics to the whole state.
California State Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)11,776,2925,639,0276,137,265
Population (15 and older)26,076,16312,844,66913,231,494
Population (Total)33,871,64816,843,06217,028,586

Compare Redondo Beach singles statistics to the whole US.
United States Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)96,148,17844,335,56651,812,612
Population (15 and older)221,148,671107,027,405114,121,266
Population (Total)281,421,906137,916,186143,505,720

If you've been searching for Redondo Beach singles and want to be more active in the Redondo Beach, CA dating scene. As one of the most popular online dating services, Yahoo Personals can be your solution for Redondo Beach dating bliss. Why not Join YahooPersonals and find out what you've been missing. With millions of members they are a great place to go to for Redondo Beach singles.

*Many people in the 15-17 age group have begun dating and are interested in finding others their age to date. However, most online dating sites that we review have an 18 year old age requirement, and therefore 15-17 year olds cannot subscribe. Also, in many areas it is considered unethical and may be illegal for someone over 18 to have relations with someone under 18. We do not give legal advice, but recommend using common sense and good taste in dating, and consulting an expert if you have questions.

More California Online Dating: Los Angeles - San Diego Dating - San Jose Dating - Sacramento CA Dating - Riverside - Bakersfield - Stockton Dating - Glendale Singles - Huntington Beach Singles - Oxnard, CA - Ontario Dating - Sunnyvale, California - Fontana Dating - Vallejo Singles - Inglewood, California - West Covina CA Dating - San Buenaventura, CA - El Cajon, California - Compton Personal Ads - Mission Viejo Dating - Visalia Personals - Antioch Personal Ads - Carson Dating - Westminster Singles - Hawthorne Singles - Whittier Dating - Carlsbad Personal Ads - Alameda, California - Upland Singles - Walnut Creek - Merced Dating - Redlands Personals - South San Francisco CA Dating - Hemet Singles - Temecula, California - Lodi Dating - Pittsburg Personal Ads - San Rafael CA Dating - Paramount Singles - South Whittier Personal Ads - Petaluma, California - Apple Valley Dating - Glendora Dating - Indio Dating - Colton Personals - Novato CA Dating - San Ramon CA Dating - San Luis Obispo Singles - Bell Gardens Singles - Newark Personal Ads - Lompoc Dating - San Gabriel CA Dating - Bell Personal Ads - Rocklin - Parkway-South Sacramento Dating - West Hollywood, CA - San Dimas, CA - Dana Point, California - Ceres, CA - Willowbrook CA Dating - Claremont Dating - Beverly Hills - La Presa, CA

Quality-Singles.com is a resource for finding redondo beach singles, redondo beach dating and redondo beach personals. Besides for the Redondo Beach, CA singles data above, we also have stats on over 25,000 other locations. Search below to find local singles info for virtually any other towns and cities in California or the rest of the United States.

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