In today's modern world, we are some times lost without our PDA's and computers. It has everything from our daily schedules to our banking records. Yes, we are living in a world where fast pace is the norm and a moment of leisure is a luxury. For those of us who always seem to have a full schedule, offers two timesaving features to help us find our match.'s Total Attraction Matching� system gives us the power to quickly and confidently determine mutual compatibility and attraction level. also have a " by Mail" feature where the system will automatically do searches for you and then updates your private inbox with profiles that match what you are looking for. As you can see, understands the demands of life and offers you effective dating services to help you balance your time between your demands and your social activities.
We would like to share this article with you about the many demands of life and the effect it has on your social life. The article offers some tips and suggestions on how we all can be successful in dating and in life. Saved My Friend From Single Hood
By Elsa Weidman
It was 1:24 a.m. when Helen called, sobbing. It was the same old story, "Why don't I have a boyfriend? What's wrong with me? I mean, Lucy has an enormous behind and she has a boyfriend..." Then she continued her monologue with the usual: "All my friends are either married or have boyfriends" and closed with the always popular, "I just can't find the time to meet people."
These whine sessions weren't helping anyone. Especially me. I vowed to help Helen. She needed a man and dammit, I needed my eight hours.
So where do you meet guys? I met my boyfriend at a crawfish boil. But that was in college when we had time for naps, and soap operas, and the occasional party to devour crawfish. Helen works 50 hours a week and volunteers at a hospital. Not cause she's a saint; she thought she could meet cute doctors.
Our friend Lucy – the girl with the enormous behind – met her boyfriend through the personals. Her ad read: "Voluptuous J. Lo type seeking nurturing Jon Bon Jovi look alike." If you ask me, the guy looks more like John Goodman.
That's when I stumbled upon online dating services. I love to Search through the profiles, even though I have a boyfriend. That's not cheating, right?
Plus, one of my best friends met her husband through Okay, she's just a co-worker and I was eavesdropping on her phone conversation, but apparently they're very happy.
I lured Helen to my apartment, claiming that there was a new episode of Sex and the City on (she's deprived of HBO). When I told her my plan, she was surprisingly cooperative despite my questionable tactics.
We had a blast choosing her username and creating her headline: "Destinysstepsister: I don't think you're ready for this jelly." Helen wasn't the only one looking for love – close to 300,000 people had already registered that week! I told her, "Honey, if you can't find a man here, you're going to have to go back to cleaning bed pans at the hospital."
That's when we put Venus, the love goddess, to work. She searched through all the guys' profiles to find Helen's soul mate. Or at least a date for this weekend.
Wasn't long before the 1 a.m. call was from an excited Helen, "I've been talking to that guy, you know the one called "moremacaroniplease?"
"Yeah, I remember him." I answered, " You liked him because macaroni's the only thing you know how to cook."
"Exactly," Helen said, "and he's so funny and he looks like Ben on Felicity in his picture. We're going out tomorrow night."
"Okay," I told her, "but don't count on Ben showing up."
Ben, who's actual name was Holden, met Helen and me at a bar the next night. I came along for support and for judging purposes. Holden turned out to be hilarious and he did slightly resemble a shorter, older Ben from Felicity. When he chose "Living on a Prayer" as his jukebox selection, Helen all but proposed to him. By the end of the night, I was feeling like a third wheel. Date successful.
Helen and Holden, or H & H as all of our couple friends call them, have been dating for three months and six days now.
They're happy, Venus is happy and I'm getting my full eight hours every single night. Well, except when Lucy calls to complain about John Goodman.
We're working on her free profile this weekend! is a leading online dating service. For more information on, read our Review.
It is fun and easy to get started in online dating. Get things rolling right now by Joining or reading our article on getting started in online dating.
