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North Charleston dating info and data on north charleston singles from this dating site. Find quality north charleston singles with fantastic online dating sites and internet personals.
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   Meet North Charleston Singles - North Charleston Dating Personals

Meeting local North Charleston men and women is easier than ever because there are Internet dating services with millions of members. (Why even bother with small North Charleston dating web sites or North Charleston personals, when they can't compete with the millions of quality people available on the Internet.)

To help you find North Charleston men and women, we list data about the best dating sites and provide singles stats for North Charleston, SC, the state of South Carolina, and the whole United States. Use the stats to learn more about your community, and join the online dating service web sites to date North Charleston men and women online.

North Charleston, SC is a big community with 79,442 residents. With this many people, there are tons of North Charleston singles and North Charleston dating opportunities. In fact, there are 31,401 North Charleston singles, with 14,917 single men and 16,484 single women in North Charleston, South Carolina.

eHarmony Singles Match.com Singles Lavalife Chemistry.com
North Charleston Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)31,40114,91716,484
Population (15 and older)60,57429,87430,700
Population (Total)79,44239,50239,940

Looking for North Charleston, South Carolina dating services? Online North Charleston personals and North Charleston dating services are where to start. Joining these popular dating services may be the best way to find local North Charleston singles. They each have millions of eligible singles, so you are bound to find a perfect match in the North Charleston, South Carolina area.

North Charleston, South Carolina Population by Age

Ages 15-17*3,2121,7271,485
Ages 18-204,2362,0522,184
Ages 21-246,2473,3412,906
Ages 25-297,3113,8363,475
Ages 30-3912,7056,2816,424
Ages 40-4910,8475,7215,126
Ages 50-596,3842,8843,500
Ages 60-694,7212,1652,556
Ages 70-844,1961,6912,505
Ages 85+715176539

North Charleston, SC Racial Demographics

Black or African American38,954
American Indian and Alaska Native236
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander43
Single Other Race1,327
Mixed Race1,590

Compare North Charleston, SC singles statistics to the whole state.
South Carolina State Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)1,345,474603,981741,493
Population (15 and older)3,168,9181,516,1251,652,793
Population (Total)4,012,0121,947,3802,064,632

Compare North Charleston singles statistics to the whole US.
United States Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)96,148,17844,335,56651,812,612
Population (15 and older)221,148,671107,027,405114,121,266
Population (Total)281,421,906137,916,186143,505,720

Looking for the most compatible North Charleston, SC singles? eHarmony has millions of members and helps you find the perfect mate using 29 personality dimensions. Joining eHarmony could be the best way to meet a mate in North Charleston, South Carolina.

*Many people in the 15-17 age group have begun dating and are interested in finding others their age to date. However, most online dating sites that we review have an 18 year old age requirement, and therefore 15-17 year olds cannot subscribe. Also, in many areas it is considered unethical and may be illegal for someone over 18 to have relations with someone under 18. We do not give legal advice, but recommend using common sense and good taste in dating, and consulting an expert if you have questions.

More South Carolina Online Dating: Columbia, South Carolina - Charleston Personals - North Charleston Singles - Greenville, SC - Rock Hill - Mount Pleasant SC Dating - Sumter, South Carolina - Spartanburg Personals - Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Quality-Singles.com is an informational resource for meeting north charleston singles, north charleston dating and north charleston personals. In addition to the North Charleston, SC singles data above, we have data on over 25,000 other cities. Search below to find local singles info for many other places in South Carolina or the rest of the United States.

First Date Advice

Be Appropriately Dressed
Avoid that nagging uncomfortable feeling and dress appropriately. If you're going dancing, don't wear flip-flops. If you're going to a nice restaurant, don't wear your old flannels. Dress like you've given it some thought. If you want to impress North Charleston singles on your date, you need to dress in appropriate clothing.

Be Safe
You can never be too safe. If you're getting to know someone online, guard your full identity until you're ready. If you're meeting a man or woman for the initial date, always let your friends or family know the 5 W's ahead of time. Although dating north charleston singles can be awesome, it is still a good idea to be cautious, and it doesn't need to take the fun out of North Charleston dating.

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