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   Meet Torrington Singles - Torrington Dating Personals

Torrington dating was never this exciting. There are tons of Internet dating service web sites that can help you date local Torrington singles. This page offers singles stats for Torrington, CT, the state of Connecticut, and the whole United States. Plus we provide links to join some of the most popular Internet dating service web sites that are amazing places to date Torrington singles.

Torrington, Connecticut is a terrific community with a total population of 35,202. The Torrington dating scene offers tons of opportunities for fun, excitement and long term prospects. There are 12,980 Torrington singles with 7,123 single women and 5,857 single men, meaning there is ample opportunity to date Torrington singles.

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Torrington Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)12,9805,8577,123
Population (15 and older)28,44713,50814,939
Population (Total)35,20217,12218,080

If you want to meet Torrington, Connecticut singles, online services are the obvious choice for Torrington dating and Torrington personals. Online dating services are easy, convenient and effective. These particular online personals sites each have millions of eligible singles, making them great for local singles in the Torrington, CT area:

Torrington, Connecticut Population by Age

Ages 15-17*1,350703647
Ages 18-20939502437
Ages 21-241,242613629
Ages 25-291,986990996
Ages 30-395,8042,9472,857
Ages 40-495,7802,8512,929
Ages 50-593,9021,9501,952
Ages 60-692,6671,2481,419
Ages 70-843,6751,4352,240
Ages 85+1,102269833

Torrington, CT Racial Demographics

Black or African American787
American Indian and Alaska Native28
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander7
Single Other Race346
Mixed Race305

Compare Torrington, CT singles statistics to the whole state.
Connecticut State Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)1,170,006523,025646,981
Population (15 and older)2,696,2501,284,8811,411,369
Population (Total)3,405,5651,648,5231,757,042

Compare Torrington singles statistics to the whole US.
United States Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)96,148,17844,335,56651,812,612
Population (15 and older)221,148,671107,027,405114,121,266
Population (Total)281,421,906137,916,186143,505,720

If you've been searching for Torrington singles and want to be more active in the Torrington, CT dating scene, the top online dating service are probably for you. One of the best dating services is Yahoo Personals. Why not give them a try today, and find out just how effective they are at finding Torrington singles. You may find that Torrington, Connecticut dating is suddenly more fun and rewarding.

*Many people in the 15-17 age group have begun dating and are interested in finding others their age to date. However, most online dating sites that we review have an 18 year old age requirement, and therefore 15-17 year olds cannot subscribe. Also, in many areas it is considered unethical and may be illegal for someone over 18 to have relations with someone under 18. We do not give legal advice, but recommend using common sense and good taste in dating, and consulting an expert if you have questions.

More Connecticut Singles: Bridgeport, Connecticut - Waterbury Singles - Norwalk, Connecticut - Danbury Dating - West Hartford, Connecticut - Bristol, Connecticut - Meriden Singles - Milford, CT - Norwich CT Dating - Torrington CT Dating - Trumbull Personal Ads - Central Manchester Singles

This service is a resource for meeting torrington singles, torrington dating and torrington personals. Besides for the Torrington, CT singles stats above, we also have stats on over 25,000 different cities. Search below to find local singles info for any other cities in Connecticut or the entire US.

Torrington Dating Suggestion: Be Aware of Your Surroundings
If this is your first date, always meet in a safe and comfortable public location. Provide your own transportation to the upcoming date so you don't need to depend on them for a ride home. Just because torrington dating and torrington singles may seem perfectly safe in general, it doesn't hurt to be especially cautious for a first date.

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