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   SuchaPrettyFace and HotandNice23 Dating Story

Is online dating too much of a good thing? Is it the miracle fixer-upper, the inseparable match or the ultimate catch? There are no promises when it comes to online dating, just a proven track record. Proven by the number of active members and the number of success stories. Date.com have over 2 million active members and a long list of success stories. Stories about amazing attraction and ever lasting love.

Please read this wonderful success story by SuchaPrettyFace and HotandNice23 about how they met through Date.com. It�s the ultimate love story about their Date.com experience and the commitment they�ve made to each other. Their successful experience with the services available at Date.com is truly inspiring. We wish you the best in your finding your ultimate love story. Please come back and share your experience and success story with us and with other singles like yourself. We love to hear from you!

SuchaPrettyFace and HotandNice23 Dating Story
Dating Success at Date.com

Boy, do I have a love story for you! About 10 weeks ago I purchased a brand new computer for a home business. I have been on date.com for nearly a year now and after flying to California to meet two different guys, driving to Montana, dating a jerk off lawyer from Seattle, and getting the love whirl-wind run around from a guy in Alabama...I found him right near home. After about 1 1/2 weeks on date.com and nearly 500 interests later...I received an email from HotandNice23, a good looking guy in Beaverton, Oregon who had an incredibly funny and intelligent profile.

Date.com CoupleWe began to chat and email very seriously for about 5 days and then decided that we were ready to talk on the phone. I discovered that Troy was from a small town right near me and had lived there nearly his whole life. His Mom and sister still live here. We discovered that we were the romantic jealousy of the Zodiac, a true Cancer (me) and a true Pisces (Troy). We were the love match each of us had always hoped for.

At day 5 of chatting he called me for the first time and I fell in love with his laugh and voice. On day 7 of talking, my Grandfather suffered a massive heart attack and I began spending every waking hour at the hospital with him. Troy would call day and night to check on me and see how Grandpa was doing. Day 8 I confessed to Troy that my heart had been so trampled by the guy in Alabama that I was beginning to have doubts of finding true love on the internet and almost felt like what I found in Troy was surreal or a dream. He knew my heart was still healing and said he would give me all the time I needed...he knew we were meant to be, it was written in the stars as they say in astrology and that he would wait for me to get over Alabama Boy.

On day 9 I came home from the hospital to find a huge bouquet of red, red roses on my front deck. I rushed out of the car and up on the deck, grabbed the card to read "I am the one...Troy!" I began to cry and get all mushy emotional and immediately called Troy. No guy had ever, ever done anything like this for me and I knew in my heart that Troy was unlike any guy I had ever dated.

Over the next 2 weeks, we talked day and night, sometimes more than 6-7 hours at a time on the phone or as long as our cell phones would carry the call!!!! If the call dropped, we called right back and kept on talking. Troy and I had everything in the world in common. He loved my pictures and we could tell each other anything. By week 3, I couldn't stand it anymore. I was so in love with Troy that at the last minute I decided to go see him and left on a Thursday morning at 4am bound for Portland, Oregon (a 7 hour drive).

When I arrived, I of course took the wrong exit and got lost! Troy said "Babe, don't worry I will come to you!" And nearly an hour later and a 30 mile drive he found me.. sitting in a Burgerville parking lot as some high-schoolers threw a car wash. He came squealing into the parking lot as we talked on the phone. We kept the phone to our ears until he pulled up right in front of me and we made eye contact!

And right there in front of all of Burgerville and the car washers, we kissed (the most powerful, romantic kiss either of us had ever experienced, it was like our lips were made to seal together!) and fell in love and I got to finally be held in the arms of this great, handsome, caring, talented, intelligent man that I had longed to find my whole life! I spent 5 days with him, came home for 3 and went back for 7...I have now know that Troy is my destiny and we are making plans for him to transfer his job here to Spokane, WA to be able to live with me.

Not only is Troy an accomplished Engineer, but is also an incredible singer/performer and can play every instrument known to man. Troy's destiny is in Nashville, TN and just last week, Troy asked me if I would go on the road with him and share in the experience of making it big cause with the right timing and the right recognition, Troy will be a superior country singer and star!!! He feels that I was brought to him to help him fulfill his dreams and encourage him to pursue music even harder...and believe me he has ALL it takes! I wonder date.com, ever considered marrying a couple that met on your site?

After a mere 8 weeks together as a committed couple, I know in my heart that we will marry! I know that we will have a happy, equal marriage, a couple of beautiful babies (we have already discussed baby names!) and have a happy, exciting life on the road as I help and support Troy to achieve stardom. We would love to tell you our story in person as our love story is much more intense that I have just shared with you. Neither of us imagined that we would find that true love, the one everyone hopes for. He is my "HIM" and I am his "HER"!

I did want to tell you something cute about our very first date...We drove to Seaside, Oregon to enjoy the sunset on the beach and then went into a Hotel Lounge to enjoy a few drinks. Everyone in the bar caught on that we were lovers from the internet on our very first date. Every song the DJ played was for us...love song after love song and country song after country song! Everyone in the place was involved in our romantic story and wanted to know more! It was incredible.

The second time I went to visit Troy we returned to Seaside and were recognized right away by the waitresses, bartender and DJ as we strolled into the very same Lounge hand n hand after watching the beautiful Seaside sunset once again. They all seriously inquired about our love and yet again our night out in Seaside turned into a full-fledged tribute to our internet love! I don't think you will ever find two star-gazed lovers such as Troy and I. No story from date.com is this real and intense. Hope we can tell you the whole story and maybe say "Thank you" in person and give me the opportunity to propose to my love on national TV so he knows that I am real about this love we share. All of our love, Teeroy and Rissa...formerly HotandNice23 and Suchaprettyface! Soon to be Mr. and Mrs Troy and Carissa Bullock.

Did I mention that I could write a book? Everything Troy and I share gives the word "destiny" realistic meaning. I never thought that there was a plan for each of us and never really thought that there was much truth in everyone having a mate that was made just for them. Now, both Troy and I know that coincidences are more than just that...everything happens for a reason.

For more information on Date.com, read our Date.com Review.

It's easy to get started in online dating. So get things rolling today by Joining Date.com or reading our article on getting started in online dating.


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