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   Two Perfect Days of Love

Online dating services, including Match.com, continue to grow at an amazing pace because they achieve so much success. To share the joyful results achieved and useful knowledge gained by former users of singles sites, we've collected various online dating success stories on Quality Singles.

Read the article below, Two Perfect Days of Love, the true story of online dating success from a Match.com member. Reading the experiences on how match.com was successfully used can inspire and educate new members to learn how to use online dating services more efficiently and achieve your goals.

Match.comTrue Story: Two perfect days of love
Dating Success at Match.com

I received a gift subscription to Match.com from a friend in January. After nearly a month, I'd already enjoyed several dates. By the first week of February I was trying to decide between three lovely gentlemen when I received an email from someone I'd never met named Danny. His email was intriguing, and his photo sealed the deal for me.

A little over a week later, we had our first date – on Valentine's Day. We both had plans already but decided to take a chance on love. We picked a place to meet, and I told him where I would sit and what I'd be drinking in case he didn't recognize me. Then I had a burst of inspiration. When it was nearly our meeting time, I went to the bar and ordered another drink, leaving my purse and glass behind.

Match.com CoupleI saw him come through the door and look around the area where I said I'd be. Confused, he came and stood at the bar near me. I looked at him and smiled. My smile was intended to get his attention – definitely not a smile one gives a stranger – and he smiled back, but hesitantly. I couldn't keep it up: I asked if he was Danny and introduced myself. The smile became completely real, and he laughed when I told him what I'd done: I'd tested his character.

Even if "the girl at the bar" was openly flirting with him and he didn't see his date, he still didn't approach her – even though he was very interested in doing so. Big points for him!

We got spent the next eight hours getting to know each other. Then he asked me to join him on a road trip to Las Vegas for the weekend – and leave the next morning! I didn't know what to say. My heart said, "Go!" while my brain asked, "Are you nuts?" I went with my heart ... and with Danny.

By the end of our trip, we knew we were perfect for each other. We began dating exclusively and moved in together during the summer. On June 21, during a visit to my grandparents in southern Illinois, he proposed to me, and I said yes! We couldn't wait, and were married in a civil ceremony August 7. The fairytale was complete when we remarried in a fantastically romantic "fairy princess" wedding on April 12 the next year, back home in Illinois and surrounded by family and friends. Our second wedding was even more magical than the first.

Our love was sealed with two perfect days, and now we're moving into our first home together. I found the love of my life, my soulmate, and my best friend. We often wonder at finding such happiness ... all thanks to Match.com!

For more information on Match.com, read our Match.com Review.

It's easy to get started in online dating. So get things rolling today by Joining Match.com or reading our article on getting started in online dating.


More Match.com success stories:

We're interested in publishing more testimonials and online dating success stories on Quality Singles. If you have an online dating success story to share with us and our readers, we'd love to hear from you.

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