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   Marcellina and DaggieD Dating Story

Is online dating too much of a good thing? Is it the miracle fixer-upper, the inseparable match or the ultimate catch? There are no promises when it comes to online dating, just a proven track record. Proven by the number of active members and the number of success stories. Date.com have over 2 million active members and a long list of success stories. Stories about amazing attraction and ever lasting love.

Please read this wonderful success story by Marcellina and DaggieD about how they met through Date.com. It�s the ultimate love story about their Date.com experience and the commitment they�ve made to each other. Their successful experience with the services available at Date.com is truly inspiring. We wish you the best in your finding your ultimate love story. Please come back and share your experience and success story with us and with other singles like yourself. We love to hear from you!

Marcellina and DaggieD Dating Story
Dating Success at Date.com

Marcellina's story: I joined Date.com as a free member in mid august of 2002 never having applied for any type of online dating. This one guy started sending me email via the date.com website. (he was a member because only members have the ability to send email via the website). His Username was DaggieD. Funny name, I thought, so I checked his picture and profile out. He�s kind of cute I thought, but I still was wary of the whole 'internet dating' thing so I didn't join, but I did click a little button that said 'interested'. The next thing I know, he sent another email via the date.com site. Again, it was a brief but charming message, something like, "Hi Marcellina, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful sunny day, tonight I am going to meet some friends for a birthday party at Tavern on the Green. I would love to see more pictures of you. Look forward to reading your email, James" Ok, I thought; now he has a name. Well James never included his email address so that I could email him back - Remember I am still a free member, unlike him, so I can only send interested clicks to his Username.

Date.com CoupleWell this continued for almost 2 1/2 months and he would email me on Date.com about 2 times a week and I would send him an interested click. I thought it was pretty funny that he was not getting that I could not email him because he never sent me his address. He was unique in a crowd of men who called themselves HotMale1971 or SexGod234 or Bond2001 as he named himself something interesting and fun like DaggieD. While other men on the site sent messages that looked like they were copy pasted or very forward and always including a couple of ways to contact them right away, email addresses and phone numbers, DaggieD was a gentleman sending polite and interesting conversation (albeit one-sided).

FINALLY on October 15 he sent me his email address!! I was at ease replying to it right away, I felt I knew him. We still have each others emails. I think the first line I wrote him was ' You finally woke up and smelled the coffee "! and from there we emailed quite a few times a day until I finally called the cell # he gave me and mind you its always a bit nerve wracking to meet people the first time.

I dialed the number and a deep male voice answers, yet the voice is very familiar sounding. I ask for James and the voice says, "This is Sly Stallone. James is working out. Want me to get him for you?' The voice was so dead on, it really sounded like him. I didn't know what to say, then the same deep voice (sans Sly Stallone accent) starts talking to me. Turns out DaggieD is a master voice impressionist, singer in a band, guitarist, and actor - and let�s not forget his day job at his law firm. We had such a great time speaking to each other on the phone. We spoke every day and then at night sometimes until 1 or 2 in the morning. Never a lack of conversation, even now one year later! We owe it all to Date.com! As huge as New York is, I don't think we would have ever met if it wasn't for this online dating service.

To continue with the story, we agreed to finally meet; he was to pick me up in the Bronx. I didn't know this at the time but he didn't keep his car in Manhattan (where he lived) he took the LIR after work and went to Hicksville where he keeps his car at his parents home, then he drove from Hicksville all the way to the Bronx (getting lost in the process). While he is doing that I am getting ready at home, trying on dozens of "first date' outfits and thinking that he might not show up. I was so nervous that I thought about not going through with it even though I was all dressed up and looked good. In fact I had my mother take pictures of me before he came over and I JUST found them the other day and it�s so cute how nervous I looked back then.

When James finally showed up (I forgot to mention its pouring rain outside) he comes to my door and calls me on my cell and said "Don't get your expectations up. Picture Quasimodo so you aren't disappointed. Great, I thought, he�s a hideous beast and now he�s lurking outside my door!

I open the door, take a quick glance at him and think, 'Not a beast at all... in fact he�s pretty cute' and off we went on our date. Time flew so fast. We went to dinner then a comedy club and then drove around Manhattan and then he drove me back home to the Bronx. When I got in bed, I couldn't believe it was 5am! We felt like we had known each other for ages. I am 9 years younger than he is but we have so much in common! Everyone who meets us, old friends, new friends, family never believe that we met on Date.com. We are so happy and fun together, never a dull moment between us, and we look soooo good together!!! . I thank date.com everyday that it enabled us to find each other. We give our single friends hope that what we have together can happen for them too. I will send a few pictures of us since our first date. I always carry a digital camera with me to document everything. Again, we cant thank the Date.com people enough!

For more information on Date.com, read our Date.com Review.

It's easy to get started in online dating. So get things rolling today by Joining Date.com or reading our article on getting started in online dating.


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