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   Jen and Rod Dating Story

ChristianCafe.com is an exciting online singles site that is based on Christian values within a setting of a warm and inviting cafe. Christian Cafe's no nonsense sensibility is genuinely appealing to many of today's Christian singles. Take advantage of the many opportunities and excellent services available at the Christian Cafe to see the difference it can make in your life.

It certainly made a difference in Jen and Rod's life. Please read their wonderful success story about how they met online and how it led to the amazing relationship they have offline. May their success inspire us and their quest drives us to achieve our own relationship success story. We wish you the best in your dating endeavors. Please come back and share your online Christian dating success story with us and with other singles like yourself.

Jen and Rod Dating Story
Dating Success at Christian Cafe

My name is Jennifer and I met my husband, Rod, on ChristianCafe.com in October 2002. We were married on October 19, 2003 and are very, VERY happy.

What makes this even more amazing is that Rod is from San Diego and I lived in New Jersey and in God's perfect plan and perfect timing -- we met and fell in love!

Christian Cafe CoupleAfter being on the Cafe for a couple of months, Rod decided to lay it all at God's feet and search outside of California. He did a 'search' for some similar character traits as himself and found ME! After emailing each other on the site for 2 weeks, I gave him my home phone number.

We chatted every night for hours. Rod flew to New Jersey to meet me in mid-November and I visited him over the Christmas holiday and it was then we realized we were in love! We did the cross-country flight back and forth 13 times before we became husband and wife!! Both Rod and I went through painful divorces however, God was so true to His Word and the Scriptures really came alive for us.

God confirmed first-hand that "ALL things DO work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose" and "He WILL repay us the years the locusts have eaten". "He who promised IS faithful" and "He was able to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine".

At first we were both very hesitant to tell people how we met because of the bad reputation the internet can potentially have. But now we find it to be a favorite story for so many and we often encourage strong, healthy "seeking" Christians to pray about trying ChristianCafe.com and to have an open heart to God's plan for their lives!!

– Jen (New Jersey) and Rod (California), June 2004

For more information on ChristianCafe.com, read our Christian Cafe Review.

It's easy to get started in online dating. So get things rolling today by Joining Christian Cafe or reading our article on getting started in online dating.


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