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   Zillah and Mike Dating Story

ChristianCafe.com is an exciting online singles site that is based on Christian values within a setting of a warm and inviting cafe. Christian Cafe's no nonsense sensibility is genuinely appealing to many of today's Christian singles. Take advantage of the many opportunities and excellent services available at the Christian Cafe to see the difference it can make in your life.

It certainly made a difference in Zillah and Mike's life. Please read their wonderful success story about how they met online and how it led to the amazing relationship they have offline. May their success inspire us and their quest drives us to achieve our own relationship success story. We wish you the best in your dating endeavors. Please come back and share your online Christian dating success story with us and with other singles like yourself.

Zillah and Mike Dating Story
Dating Success at Christian Cafe

It never crossed my mind that in an online Caf� I would meet this special man to whom I am engaged, and to whom I am to be married on August 28, 2004. I signed up at ChristianCaf�.com in January 2003, and in March 2003 I met Mike. He had no picture in his profile, but his initial letters gave me an idea where his heart is, and what he values. He has a big heart for God, deep love to study His Word and he wants to give the rest of his life in serving Him. That swept me off my feet.

Christian Cafe CoupleThe 9 months of constant communications through ChristianCaf�.com, emails and chats strengthened our friendship. And on October 29, 2003, Mike expressed his long time prayer that I would become his lifelong companion, and that we can both serve God together as husband and wife.

Mike visited me here in the Philippines for the first time in February 2004. When I saw him, I loved him even more. My family and friends admire him so much and received him gladly as part of our family. After our wedding, we will be studying together in the seminary for two years before we finally move to this once closed-country in Asia as missionaries.

ChristianCaf�.com is a great site. Even before I met Mike, I had already developed friendships with several men who really love the Lord. It was so hard to imagine how both of us, separated by 10,000 miles, strangers to each other would be brought together through a unique place like this. God is all-wise. And He is using this great site to fulfil His plans. More power to you!

– Zillah-regula981 (Philippines) and Mike-me507 (Florida), April 2004

For more information on ChristianCafe.com, read our Christian Cafe Review.

It's easy to get started in online dating. So get things rolling today by Joining Christian Cafe or reading our article on getting started in online dating.


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